Friday, February 27, 2009

Fun Fridays


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Worship Song of the week!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Theological Thursdays

1 Peter 4:15-19 "But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, a criminal, or even as a mischief maker. Yet if any of you suffers as a Christian, do not consider it a disgrace, but glorify God because you bear this name. For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God; if it begins with us, what will be the end for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And 'If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinners?' Therefore, let those suffering in accordance with God's will entrust themselves to a faithful Creator, while continuing to do good."

I'll never forget the first time I read this passage of Scripture and it stuck with me. It was about 3 am in the morning and I awoke with cramps. I knew immediately that the cramps were coming from the mixture of grease and sugar that I had stuffed my face with several hours before. I got up from my dormitory bed and headed to the restroom. I took my Bible with me, because I knew it would be awhile cleansing myself of my own gluttony. I opened up to 1 Peter and simply began to read it. I must admit, I was half asleep and wasn't paying much attention until I got to this section. Wow! I didn't even know how to feel about it. After my restroom escapade ended, I went back to bed but laid awake thinking about these phrases.
Phrases like: "...hard for the righteous to be saved"
And: "do not consider suffering a disgrace"
And: "continue to do good while you suffer"

I personally believe that after several years of devotion to the Lord, everything becomes pretty simple to understand and comprehend, except for this idea of the believer's suffering. I was around many people, who stated that God caused no one to suffer, but it was all the devil's doing. Unfortunately, this rabbit trail takes us to God not being in control because the devil has so much power. I respect the argument because it tries to protect the goodness of God. Why can't God allow suffering with his children and be good? Now, I'm not getting into suffering in general, I am only pinpointing the believer's suffering. If we, as believers, do not suffer then we miss out on one of the most phenomenal experiences and blessings that we could have. This is not to make light of suffering. I believe Jesus Christ very much suffered and did not enjoy the beatings and crucifixion while it happened, but he showed us the height of his love for us. In other words, Christ suffered for us and now we have the opportunity to suffer for Him. It is a beautiful picture that is sometimes difficult to look at, but causes our souls to groan in ways that transcend any type of church doctrine.
When I have stood up for the Truth and defended my God and did everything right, but still suffer it is hard. But, there is this deep peace and joy that comes only from God's Spirit that whispers to me in deep, intimate tones... "I love you. I am here with you. You are my son. Be at peace." I would not trade those words whispered by the Holy Spirit for anything. Pain and suffering come and go, but it's not every day the finger of God wipes the tears from my eyes and holds me, rocking me back and forth. This is an intimacy that I could never explain in words. I pray that you will have those intimate moments in your walk as well.


Worship Wednesdays

"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" -1 Corinthians 3:16
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." -1 Corinthians 6:19-20

So, I'm guessing we should take care of God's Temple, that Temple being us, those of us who have a relationship with Him. In the Old Testament, there were so many rules, regulations, a procedures for the proper way to treat the temple. Any violation of the Temple rules was huge. Let's get a visual... Would you feel comfortable urinating on the door of the church? Would you walk onto the carpet with very muddy shoes? Would you put your gum under the pew in front of you? And yet, the place where we meet to worship is only a building. Rather, YOU are the Church! YOU are the Temple! So, what are you doing with that Temple.

We can overeat, undereat, smoke, drink too much, tan too much, take drugs, eat foods that the doctor says we cannot, refuse to take a bath, engage in sinful sexual activity, curse, etc. You obviously get the point. These are little things people have been pointing out as sinful activities for a while, however there are many other ways that we dishonor the Temple. Next time the temptation comes to dirty up your body, just remember that the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TaNaK Tuesdays

Sometimes the Old Testament can appear very intimidating. In fact, I've met many Christians who don't even go to the O.T., because the N.T. is sufficient. However, we should not do this, since "all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Now, at the time which this was written, the New Testament had not been canonized (recognized officially by the church as Scripture), so the author is describing the Old Testament in the immediate context. Thus, we can use the O.T. for gaining incredible insight into who God is and what He does. Below, I've listed a guideline of practical help. Please feel free to list more areas of the O.T. that have helped you tremendously. I have made broad generalizations below, but there are many, many detailed stories that have their own helps.
Genesis- Understanding God as creator and man's fallen state.
Exodus- Viewing God as a Savior who works miraculously.
Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy- Understanding the beauty of the Law.
Joshua, Judges- Seeing the failure of humankind to sustain a level or righteousness.
Ruth- A story of love, dedication, and sacrifice.
1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings- God's interaction with wicked kings, righteous kings, and dedicated prophets. So much is in here!
1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah- The importance of the Temple.
Esther- Learning to seize the divine moments to fulfill God's plan.
Job- Understanding why we serve God.
Psalms- Seeing the raw emotion of people crying out to God in love, joy, anger...
Proverbs- Wise teachings about how to live the "good life"
Ecclesiastes- Seeing the futile nature of life without God at the center.
Song of Songs- An expression of love between two lovers
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel- Prophecies about God's people.
Daniel- God moving in the midst of an exile.
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah- Prophecies concerning Israel's need to reflect godliness.
Jonah- The saving of Gentiles, by an unwilling Jewish prophet.
Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi- Prophecies concerning Israel's need to reflect godliness.

Every one of these books and its contents, has a connectedness to the New Testament. Cherish the WHOLE Bible, and enjoy ALL of its contents.
1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Money Mondays

"My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:19.
Paul makes this statement right after he informs the Philippian church to not worry about giving, because God will take care of them. Boy, we need to get a hold of this! We should never be afraid to give, specifically to give for the sake of the Gospel. Give, give, give! Not because you have to as some sort of debt to repay God, but rather to see the work of the Gospel go forth. Oh yeah, and giving leads to God blessing. He may bless through more financial needs or, the sheer enjoyment of watching people receive will really bless you.
So, in the midst of these supposed economic woes, remember this day not to cut back on giving to the Lord and his people.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun Friday Song!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Theological Thursdays

Today, at this moment, is the only day that you can do anything about. Previous days have gone and there is no way you can change mistakes. The future is somewhat dependent on what you do today.
Hebrews 3:13-15 states, "But encourge one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first. As has just been said: 'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion."'
Each day sin is ready to ensnare us. Thus, we should seek to encourage others so that they won't fall into that and guard against falling victim to its deceit ourselves. We can do this if we are firmly rooted in Jesus Christ. If God speaks to you this day, don't you dare neglect it thinking you will do it some other time. You must do it today, otherwise your heart will grow hard. When the heart grows hard it becomes much more difficult to hear His voice.
Consider this the theology of today. What are you doing today for the kingdom?


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Worship Wednesdays

Most worship that we do is filtered through our minds. We may be performing an act, but our mind must remain focused on the object of the worship in the first place. God specifically calls us to worship from a logical standpoint. Romans 12:1-2 says, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your LOGICAL worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may discern what is the will of God- what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Traditionally, the term “spiritual” is used in place of “logical.” Notice that the second portion focuses on the renewing of our minds. According to my sources, “logical” is a better term to reflect the word usage in this passage. So, how do we worship God logically? We work at transforming our mind to thinking like Christ would think. We must not forsake the acts of worship, but the act is only important based on where the mind is during the act.
I sat through a Catholic Mass once. The priest really said some amazing things. The Biblical texts used were outstanding and his interpretation of the text was pretty good too. I didn’t necessarily feel a move of the Spirit in the place, but I left with my mind filled with the things of Christ. Talking to a few of the relatives after the service, not a single person could give me any kind of insight into the worship service that took place. They basically went to just say they went. I went with the intent of renewing my mind. They were Catholic, I am not. Who do you think worshipped God in a more acceptable way during that service?
All I’m saying is pay attention to what your mind does during those times of worship. Do you let it wander all over the place, thinking that just performing the act is good enough? Let’s be better than that. Let’s have the mind of Christ.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TaNaK Tuesdays

One of the things I most love about the Old Testament is the consistent amount of failure of its heroes. For most people, if you want to look at someone in a heroic light, then you cut out all the mistakes made. However, the Scriptures do not do this, it shows the mistakes right there with the successes. For instance:
Noah got drunk in his tent and his boy saw him naked.
Abraham lied about Sarah being his wife not once, but twice.
Moses struck the rock in anger.
Gideon was guilty of idolatry.
Samson was stupidly seduced by a woman.
David basically raped a woman and then when she got pregnant, he killed her husband.
Elijah pouted about Jezebel.

Noah was chosen by God to replenish the earth after all the evil happened.
Abraham was the father of Jewish people and a friend to God.
Moses was chosen to lead God's people and he was a friend to God.
Gideon was used by God to tear down an evil altar, lead 300 men, and save Israel.
Samson was used by God to defeat the Philistines and restore the Israelites.
David was a noble king of Israel and had a heart after God.
Elijah was a great prophet who was taken away in a chariot of fire.

So, this day, this very day. Work hard to do what is right, spend time with the Lord, and forgive yourself of any mistakes you have made. After all, Christ forgave you. Do not fall into the trap of condemnation, rather be honest about your shortcomings and work diligently for the Kingdom. Those who acknowledge their failings, but continue to strive in their relationship are the true heroes of the faith.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Money Mondays

Proverbs 22:7 states: "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
Debt is a major issue in this country. According to MSN:
1. About 43% of American families spend more than they earn each year.

2. Average households carry some $8,000 in credit card debt.

3. Personal bankruptcies have doubled in the past decade.

The average person is not in this position because they are dirt poor, they are in this position because they have no self-control. Americans spend more than they earn because of things like houses that they can't afford, eating out all the time, owing payments on depreciable assets like cars, boats, and motor homes, and taking vacations that are well above what is necessary. The average household isn't in debt because of their house, student loans, or business loans, it's based on credit card debt! Bankruptcies no longer have a stigma or ruin you financially, now it has become common for many people.
Fundamentally, the problem is self-control. Lack of self-control leads people to eat too much, fantasize about people that they are not married to, and an unwillingness to keep their mouth shut in certain situations. All three of these are addressed regularly, but money management is no longer talked about. It's almost like with money you are allowed to be irresponsible, just not grossly irresponsible. I wonder what God feels about all this. Can you go a month without eating out? Can you still enjoy life without that major vacation? Can you choose to drive an older car instead of the brand new model? Can you become patient and avoid the pitfalls of buying on credit?
This isn't just some good advice. People are held captive by their money, or lack of money. Choose this day to make the appropriate choices to get out of debt. I recommend Check it out and see if you have the right attitude regarding debt.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Fun Fridays!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Video of the Day

These videos are just to inspire, jazz you up and or just for your listening pleasure! Enjoy! 


Theological Thursdays

Thursdays are for diving into deep theological stuff...

Hebraic wisdom is based entirely on the covenant between the LORD and his people. A person reading the book of Deuteronomy clearly sees that obedience leads to wealth and health, while disobedience leads to poverty and death. Therefore, according to the wisdom movement, a wise decision is to strictly obey the law. Much of the prophets' declarations to the Hebrew people is based on this movement as well. The wisdom movement is seen in every part of the Old Testament; even Job and Ecclesiastes, which seems to counter conventional wisdom, pays homage to the wisdom of the ages. Through the coming of Christ, the wisdom movement of the Old Testament is improved upon by the early Church. An explanation of this new movement is seen when Paul addresses wisdom in 1 Corinthians 1-4.
In 1 Cor 2:13, Paul makes a clear distinction between wisdom taught by humans and wisdom from the Spirit. He further divides the two types of wisdom by proclaiming that those without the Holy Spirit would find God's wisdom foolish (2:14). In writing to the Corinthians, Paul specifically discusses the difference between the wisdom of men and that of God because it is hindering these people from maturing. He rebukes them in 3:1 saying, "I could not speak to you as spiritual people, but rather as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ." The spiritual wisdom that is needed for believers to grow in Christ is lacking in the Corinthians. The people are deficient in true wisdom, because there is division among the believers in the church at Corinth.
The emphasis of wisdom found in Christ is much different than that of conventional wisdom in the Old Testament. Creation is the emphasis that gives humans a reason for following wisdom according to the Hebraic wisdom movement. God is the Creator; therefore, those who were created by him should follow his wisdom. However, salvation is the motivator for people following the wisdom in the New Testament. Another emphasis by conventional wisdom states that everyone has access to it; however, wisdom of the Spirit can only be accessed by believers in Christ. The major factor that really separates the wisdom found in Proverbs and that found in Corinthians is how the wisdom is obtained. According to the wisdom movement of the Old Testament, human beings acquire wisdom by learning and discerning, but wisdom in the New Testament is received through revelation given by God. Specifically that revelation is found through Jesus Christ.
The Corinthians had not yet learned that the wisdom of the ages needed to be altered because wisdom now comes through believing in Christ. In 1:21, Paul declares, "For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe." Viewing the world through Jesus Christ is how true wisdom is obtained. There are important lessons and ideas that the wisdom movement brought to light that should not be discarded. However, the wisdom perceived by these humans is of little use unless viewed through the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Perhaps the authors of Job and Ecclesiastes gave deeper insights than their contemporaries. These two books reveal the limitation of human wisdom, but fail to find a solution to the problem. Jesus fixed the problem with conventional wisdom. In Isaiah 40:13, the author mentions the limitations of wisdom, but in 1 Cor 2:16, Paul informs the Corinthians that the limitation can be overcome because they have the mind of Christ. In conclusion, when one reflects on 1 Corinthians 1-4, a desire should arise for one to push aside conventional wisdom and receive the complete wisdom seen only through maturity in Jesus!
So, this day, choose to spend time with Him. Love Him with all that you have. Love your neighbor without prejudice. Seek his face, seek to be intimate, and allow the Sprit to give you wisdom that cannot possibly be attained through traditional learning. (Jaman Iseminger; 2003)


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Video of the Day


Worship Wednesdays

A really annoying thing has happened in the last few decades. I don't know how it started, I sure hope it will end, but the thing that bugs me is the way we use the term 'worship'. When somebody asks about the church, invariably they will say something like: "How is your worship?" I know immediately that they are asking some type of question about the style of music played during the service. With a smirk on my face, I may answer the question: "Hopefully, our worship is pleasing to God." The conversation moves further with the other person then saying something like: "No, I mean what style of worship do you do?" To which I reply to the obviously annoyed person: "Well hopefully worship is a life-style." To which they then reply: "I mean is your church traditional or contemporary?" To which I reply: "We sing songs that move us." Tired of stringing the person along for quite awhile, I then go into a monologue about the problems with identifying worship only in a musical sense. The person then leaves rather annoyed, wondering why they even asked.
Unfortunately, after awhile, I just gave up and quit trying to educate people on the issues of looking at music as the only definition of worship. However, I will be more than glad to share my thoughts on it with you...
You see worship is so much more than music. Music is just a drop in the bucket of acceptable worship to God. There are so many Hebrew words for worship that I don't even feel like listing them here. But to paraphrase some of the worship concepts of the Bible, they are:
We worship with our minds (so meditate on His Word daily)
We worship with our bodies. (so take care of the Temple of His Spirit)
We worship with our hearts. (it's ok to get emotional with Him)
We worship with our willpower. (we push through even when its hard)
We worship with our sacrifice. (giving things up can show allegiance)
We worship with our words. (careful what comes out of your mouth)
We worship with our work ethic. (serving and worship are the same in Hebrew)
We worship with our time. (God loves good quality and quantity)
We worship with our good deeds. (so don't forget to help that person out)
We worship with our art. (we can make our own personal Sistine Chapel)
We worship with our money. (does your money go towards the faith or something else?)
We worship with courage. (taking a stand in the face of scrutiny)
We worship in Spirit and Truth.
We worship with our LIVES!

So, yeah, I think our entire lives are simply about worship. So, for the next few months on Wednesdays, I will talk about worship and our need to have it engulf our lives.


Monday, February 9, 2009

TaNaK Tuesdays

My undergraduate degree was in Old Testament studies. I have a deep love for the story of the Hebrew people. Tuesdays have been choosen to talk about all things Old Testament. If you are wondering what TaNaK stands for, it means Torah (5 books of the law), Nevi'im (Prophets), Ketuvim (Writings). This collection makes up the entire Old Testament.
Whenever I read the book of Judges, I become so grateful for Jesus providing a way to stop the cycle of human stupidity. Judges is made up of the cycle of people wandering from God, God sending an oppressor to reignite their passion for God, the people crying out to God, God sending a judge to liberate the people, and then the people enjoy God's blessings, at least until this cycle begins again.
It is a book of violence and unlikely heroes. From a left-handed hero stabbing an obese king while he sits on the toilet, to a woman driving a tent peg through the skull of a warrior, to an army being chosen by their water-drinking technique, to a long-haired muscle man beating people up with a donkey's jawbone, there are plenty of unique stories to stimulate the brain. However, one leaves this book rather discouraged about the state of humanity. And I think this is a good thing.
I see people that are consistently stuck in a cycle of destruction and it absolutely breaks my heart. I can preach to them, teach to them, recommend others who can help, but the cycle continues. And then every once in awhile, God really gets a hold of them and the power of the Holy Spirit transforms the person. As the person transforms, the circumstances that kept them in the cycle previously now have no power. That is the power of Jesus Christ!
Jesus broke the cycle of humanity's need to involve themselves in schemes leading to spiritual and physical death. If you are in a cycle right now, Christ has already paved the way for abundant life. So, seek the help you need, pray your prayers, and work as hard as you can, but remember in the end only God's Spirit has the ability to make the transformation legitamite!


Money Mondays

I'm dedicating Mondays to talking a bit about finances. I don't like to talk about it all that much from the pulpit, nor in classes (I worry that it will come out wrong), so I figured this was a good place to bring about some thoughts on the subject...
1 Timothy 6:9 "People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
The big thing on this Scripture is to point out that money is not a root of all kinds of evil, rather the LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil. It amazes me, what people are willing to do chasing after the mighty dollar. They will work an absolutely rotten job, so they can afford to take that big vacation that only takes up about 3% of the entire year; the rest of the time they are miserable. Parents will forgo important events in the lives of their children under the guise of working to provide a better life for them. By the time it is all said and done, money was chased after for so long that when the golden calf of retirement comes, they are shocked that retirement isn't the perfection it is cracked up to be. All of these things sound both foolish and harmful that ultimately lead to ruined families and more destructive behavior (see the Scripture above).
The truth is we have to work to put food on the table, clothing on our families, and a roof over our heads. Furthermore we are required to do it with excellence as a representive of Jesus Christ. Just check yourself today and make sure that your spouse, children, or friends aren't unnecessarily suffering because money has become too much of an obsession in your life.
Stay tuned next Monday for more money talk.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fun Song


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Weekend Devotion

Have you enjoyed God lately? I mean really just taken a moment to fit in that time to really enjoy Him? All believers should be striving for a deeper intimacy with the Lord, but sometimes we don't think of intimacy in its fulness. Tragically, when I think of intimacy with God, I immediately go to the typical Sunday school answers of read my Bible more, pray more, and do more good deeds. While these are very important, do we seek moments to really enjoy Him. I love reading my Bible, but it does become a chore sometimes, even if it is important. I love the opportunity to pray, but sometimes I feel like I'm sitting in the dentist chair going through the motions. Have you spiced up your relationship with him to truly enjoy Him?
One of my most enjoyable moments with God happened while I ran in the rain. I had about five miles to run to get my training in for the day. It was getting close to sunset and the sky just began to poor with water. I was drenched, the wind was strong, and I was miles from any type of shelter. And who was I thinking of at the moment? Jesus! Flashes of lightening in the sky widened my eyes at his majesty. The thunder shook my ears with an authority only possible by God. The whistle of the wind brought imaginations of the day of Pentecost. I didn't say much, but when the rain started to fade, and the clouds parted, a simple "I love you" went forth from my mouth to Him. The pleasure of the moment was so great, that was all I could utter. When was the last time you were romantic with your God?


Friday, February 6, 2009



It's Blogging Time!

The internet is a vast array of both useful and useless information. When it was first introduced to the average consumer, that was its purpose, but soon social networking began getting a head of steam. Social networking allows us to communicate with one another in a less intrusive environment, while helping us engage in conversations that we may not ever have face-to-face. This is both a good and bad thing. Over the years I have received many e-mails that said one thing, but then when talking to the person it was either meant a different way, or the person didn't have the guts to speak up when face-to-face. This is not a venting room, where anything can be said, rather the laws of loving the Lord and loving people must consistently be in place.

The purpose of this blog is to provoke deep thoughts that are able to impact that particular day. Thus, devotional-type concepts will be presented often by me and perhaps others. We are looking for people to respond and share their thoughts on things and bring new and additional concepts to the table. You never know when a thought-provoking, mind-altering statement will be declared. Please enjoy this blog, allow it to permeate your life, and contribute. God bless you and yours!