Wednesday, October 28, 2009


"If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it even make a noise?"
The answer is: Yes, God heard it. He is aware of everything in His creation and nothing ever escapes his gaze.
Two things I desire to talk about...
First, sometimes we become discouraged because it seems like nobody is really listening to us. We pour our heart out to someone and the person ends up changing the subject or not showing a real interest. We give "hints" to someone about something we need, but they don't hear the hint. We begin to feel isolated, alone, discouraged, and not valued. I wish that I could tell you that another human being will come to your rescue and help you in that moment of need. Sometimes it happens, but in many cases that help never comes from another. This is why divorce, estrangement, loneliness, and suicide are prominent in our society. If you are looking to another human being as being the one thing you need, you are sorely mistaken.
Second, the person you need to be looking for is Jesus Christ. He is the only one that knows every thought you have, heard everything you say, loves you regardless, and VALUES who you are. If you are out there and you feel like you have nobody, you definitely have Jesus Christ! He will never leave you nor forsake you. You might have gotten hurt by so many others, but He will not hurt you.
Sometimes I wonder if anybody ever hears me at all, I don't think most do, but I have a wonderful Savior and Father who does.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Words to live by...

Wisdom is having the foresight to not need hindsight. Please comment below...