Friday, December 11, 2009

Belle Kathleen

My daughter arrived on Monday! Seriously, probably the greatest moment of my life. I have had some awesome encounters with God, spent some amazing moments with my wife, and can tell lots of memorable stories about my friends, but the moment she was born its like God blessed me in a way that is truly unexplainable. I wasn't thinking about how I was going to pay for her college education or what sport she is going to play if she chooses to play sports. I have been guilty on many occasions of thinking too far into the future. Not this time though, the focus was in the moment. I wasn't thinking about the 2 1/2 years it took for my wife to get pregnant or the difficulties of a 9 month pregnancy. I have been guilty on many occasions of reminising and missing what is right in front of me. Not this time though, the focus was in the moment.
For 21 hours, my wonderful wife was in pain and desperately wanted to deliver this child. The failure of progression led to an emergency c-section. To be honest my focus that whole day was not on the baby it was on my wife. She was in so much pain. I was so proud of her and I was also begging God to lessen the pain on her. I was even more worried about the c-section when the time came. As I sat behind a curtain peaking as the surgeons work on Amanda, I was fearful for my daughter and wife because of the great difficulty they had getting her out. Very quickly this small alien-like body emerged from huddle of surgeons. She was quickly transported to a nearby table and I stared waiting to know what to feel. Then it happened, a beautiful cry! The tears began to flow from my eyes as in that moment I felt God holding my hand and saying: "I love you like you love her." No more definitions were needed or instructions. Instead my wife and I shed tears and then I had the awesome priveledge to hold her. I did not yet think of her as my daughter, but more like the greatest gift ever given. I whispered some secrets between me and her, then we both sat and waited for mama to get done.
I will cherish that moment forever, but even better is that every time I see her I am again in the present and happily enjoying the kiss of God.


Sunday, November 22, 2009


I am smack dab in the middle of waiting for my daughter to be born. My wife is at full term, she has some contractions here and there, and she is rather uncomfortable. The due date is a mere 12 days away, but the doctor has said we can go at any moment. So, here we are waiting. Kind of in limbo; Kind of not sure what to do. And so we wait... And we wait some more.
Doctors still don't know what really causes a mother to go into labor. There assessment is that nature will chose when the baby comes. My assessment is that God has a divine moment set aside for the birth of His creation. We dare not mess with God's sovereignty, so we wait and wait some more. I wonder how many of us get way to impatient waiting on God to unfold things the way He wants. Good things happen to those who remain patient.
My advice to you today is wait patiently on the Lord. Don't rush it, otherwise you'll mess it up. Rather, understand that God's timing is perfect! We have a tendency not to be perfect, so how about we just stay out of the way?


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


"If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it even make a noise?"
The answer is: Yes, God heard it. He is aware of everything in His creation and nothing ever escapes his gaze.
Two things I desire to talk about...
First, sometimes we become discouraged because it seems like nobody is really listening to us. We pour our heart out to someone and the person ends up changing the subject or not showing a real interest. We give "hints" to someone about something we need, but they don't hear the hint. We begin to feel isolated, alone, discouraged, and not valued. I wish that I could tell you that another human being will come to your rescue and help you in that moment of need. Sometimes it happens, but in many cases that help never comes from another. This is why divorce, estrangement, loneliness, and suicide are prominent in our society. If you are looking to another human being as being the one thing you need, you are sorely mistaken.
Second, the person you need to be looking for is Jesus Christ. He is the only one that knows every thought you have, heard everything you say, loves you regardless, and VALUES who you are. If you are out there and you feel like you have nobody, you definitely have Jesus Christ! He will never leave you nor forsake you. You might have gotten hurt by so many others, but He will not hurt you.
Sometimes I wonder if anybody ever hears me at all, I don't think most do, but I have a wonderful Savior and Father who does.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Words to live by...

Wisdom is having the foresight to not need hindsight. Please comment below...


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Good stuff

And now for something completely different...


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What to do with "Blah" days

People are going to have their good days and their bad days. There will be some days when everything is going right, much has been accomplished, and hope for the future is evident. Then, there are those days where it seems bad is permeating through us and around us. Perhaps we fell into sin or see sin around us, or a disturbing situation took place. Most people can probably talk about the good days and the bad days. But, the majority of life is made in what I like to call the "blah" days. These are the days when neither much good nor much bad happened. These are the dangerous days where we find out who we truly are. These are the days when not much happened in the office, not much is going on this evening, and a little was accomplished but not much. The things you remember most happen on the most horrific of days or the best of days. Everyone knows what they were doing when the 9/11 tragedy took place, just like many older people know what was happening when Pearl Harbor was bombed or John F. Kennedy was shot. Many remember what took place when news came that a loved one had died or when a spouse asks for a divorce. At the same time, many remember when their child was born, or when they first invited Christ into their heart, or when that game winning point took place, or the wedding day, or the day they got the big promotion. You get a few of those years a day. Sometimes you may slip into the "bad" time for a few weeks and sometimes you skip about in the "good" time period. However, its those in between moments that truly develop our character and what we are all about. Those moments when we decide to do the dishes so our spouse doesn't have to do them. Or when we give somebody a ride to the airport. Or when we step out and help somebody out.
God looks very closely at how we are in the happy days and rejoices in us. I think God really loves seeing his children happy. God mourns those days when all is going wrong and we are frustrated and upset. It's a painful process, but he knows that this will help to define us and make us the complete person we need to be. What is God thinking on those days when we are in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life? I think he looks for those moments where we do good, when we talk with him, and when we choose to do what is right even if there appears to be no motivating factor for doing right.
Rejoice in the "blah" days, for these are the days that truly define you as a person and show whether you are progressing or degressing.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Joy of Progress

There is nothing more challenging than maintaining passion and fire in the midst of failure. You try, try, try and fail, fail, fail. Usually, this leads to quitting and disillusionment. However, for some, they go crazy and actually continue to pursue success. There are countless stories of athletes, business entrepreneurs, politicians, and ministers who went from the pain of failure to the joy of success. What is amazing is that very few can point to any specific moment when everything changed. Rather, they continued to do what they believed was the right way to do it. It is during this time of failure that we must look closely at the slight level of progress that has been made and take joy in it. We must grab onto those small moments that have the potential for success, otherwise we become very discouraged.
As a pastor, there are too many moments where failure has been the predominant force in my life. Either I messed up, someone else messed up, or a little bit of both. Yet, I'm still here. I am here for one reason and one reason alone. I feel called, equipped, and cannot picture myself doing anything else that this juncture in my life. Yet, by most standards I have failed much more than I have succeeded. However, I believe most standards are wrong when defining failure and success. The degree of failure should be measured by the amount of time it took us to quit something. If you haven't quit, then in my opinion, you really haven't failed. Those who view me as a failure because I allegedly hurt them, or wasn't a strong enough leader, or lacked that "flare" that defines a good leader really aren't around me all that much because they quit. The critics will always be critical and the only way it can effect me is if it leads to my quitting.
Instead, learn from your mistakes, stay true to what God has called you to do, and never forget that the two great commandments should influence every action. Hang onto that, don't quit, understand failure happens, and make sure you are judging success on the right standards.


Monday, August 17, 2009


There is an obsession with being the "best" at something. People will look all over the place to find that one area where they can be the best. Athletes will look for it in a sport. Am I big, little, fast, slow? Whatever I am, what will I fit into best? For those that realized they weren't all that good at sports, something else might tickle their fancy. Maybe they enjoy being involved in the dramatic arts, or perhaps the work well with their hands in an artistic fashion. Still others may play an instrument well or sing well. Others make like the idea of politics, so a debate club is just right for them. It seems like elementary through high school is set on finding what a child's niche is so that they can say that they are at least good at one thing. Maybe you can cook, or build, or teach? So many possibilities. Those who find something that they are really good at usually find a deep satisfaction, a positive contribution to society, and joy.
And then there is the rest of us... You know what I'm talking about. I have played many different sports. I played basketball, but quickly found that I wasn't all that great so I moved on. I tried wrestling and found I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought. I threw discus and quickly learned that my body was not designed to throw such a thing. I played football and discovered I was ok, but very much undersized. I have run a marathon and several half-marathons and I found out that I'm slow. I have played softball and discovered I'm not very good. I tried swimming and was sorely disappointed. I play disc golf and am no where near what others are able to do. Ok... so sports is just not my thing. I enjoy playing and it is much fun, but I'm just not good at it.
Ok, so sports is out, how about working with my hands! Well, I have hung dry wall, put on rooftops, worked with electric, plumbing, and concrete. My work is amateur and not very good. I can put up tents, however to be honest a trained monkey could put up a tent.
Ok, so no sports, and no working with my hands. Don't get me wrong, I love to do both, but I'm just not good at it.
Perhaps, I could be artistic... My pictures aren't very good. My pottery isn't good. My culinary skills are lacking. I am a sub par musician. Ohhhh, I could do poetry... nope that didn't work out so well.
Maybe I am more gifted when I use my mouth. I could teach... except all those blank stares are looking back at me. I could preach... except, well I can do it, but I'm definitely not the best. I could write, but unfortunately only about three people read this blog, so that is probably not a good sign. Maybe I could counsel people, unfortunately I'm success rate isn't very good.
You may be thinking to yourself, that sounds a whole lot like me. You may not be the best at sports, working with the hands, artistic, using your mouth, and probably a whole lot of other things. That is a good thing, because only a select few can be the best at something. What we need are people who are willing to serve in whatever area. I'm not the best cook, but perhaps I can make something for someone who is feeling a little down. I'm not the best athlete, but maybe I can bond with some of my acquaintances by playing. I'm not a great musician, but maybe the song I sing will speak to someone's heart. I'm not the best preacher, but maybe God can use my mouth to speak what he desires.
I always struggle with not being very good at much of anything, but what I do have down is finding ways to serve others in my limited capacity. That is what God desires from each of us. You may feel discouraged because you just aren't all that good at things. Don't get down, because then you miss stepping into a position with all your flaws and serving another human being. Keep up the good work at imperfection, because Christ can be made perfect through it!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Blessing

I read this article and it touched me, so here you go...

This column appears in the Aug. 24 issue of ESPN The Magazine.

By Rick Reilly
Courtesy New York Yankees
Burnett stayed into the early-morning hours to pitch Wiffle balls to campers.

The team facing Yankees ace A.J. Burnett a few weeks back at Yankee Stadium has to go down as the oddest in baseball history.

For one thing, it plays only at night. The players have no choice. Even one minute of sunshine can kill them.

They're from Camp Sundown, in Craryville, N.Y., and they live life on the other side of the sun. All of them have the rare disease known as XP -- xeroderma pigmentosum. If kids with XP catch the slightest UV ray, they can and do develop cancerous tumors. Even fluorescent lights fry their skin like boiling oil. Most of them don't live to be 20.

So how could they take the field at Yankee Stadium? Because this was 3 a.m. Superstar right-handers should be tucked into bed by then, yet there was Burnett, throwing Wiffle-ball splitters and chasing down line drives.

There is no cure for XP. If you're born with it, you're one in a million. There are only 250 known cases in the U.S. Until Camp Sundown was founded 14 years ago by Caren and Dan Mahar, whose daughter Katie has the disease, few of these kids had met anyone else with XP. For most of them, Yankee Stadium was the first MLB ballpark they'd ever seen -- and probably it will be the last.

Getting here wasn't easy.

To make the seven-foot trip from the front door of Camp Sundown to the curtained bus with double-tinted windows that took them to Yankee Stadium, all the XPers had to wear hats, tinted eye shields, vats of sunblock, turtlenecks, long-sleeve shirts, long pants and gloves. Even with all that, they ran.

Because they couldn't leave until the sun was almost down, and because it was a three-hour drive, they knew they'd be able to see only the last couple of innings of the game. But then it rained, causing a more-than-two-hour rain delay. While the rest of the crowd cursed, the campers rejoiced. How lucky can you get? The bus arrived just before the first pitch. "It was almost like the game was waiting for them to show up," Yankees GM Brian Cashman said. "That kind of gave us goosebumps."

To get the kids out of the bus and into their VIP suite for the game, Yankees media-relations director Jason Zillo -- the man who dreamed up the whole night -- had to take them on a rat's route of back staircases and tunnels to avoid any fluorescent lights. After the Yankees beat the A's 6-3, the stadium lights had to be dimmed to 30 percent. Once they were, all the kids came running onto the field with smiles that could've lit up the Bronx.

"It's cool to be part of this," said Burnett, whom Zillo forced to leave at 3:15. "And it's kind of mind-boggling. I can't imagine if I couldn't take my children outside."

Eleven ghostly-pale XP campers took the field, including Yuxnier Beguebara, who is coming up on 71 operations, and Kevin Swinney, who has had over 200, and the rest of them, grinning through faces operated on so many times they seem to be covered in plastic. Feel sorry for them if you want, but they have one thing most kids will never have: For one night, the Yankees' field was theirs.

Courtesy New York Yankees
Cashman and Aceves play a little Police for the campers.

They high-fived Derek Jeter, ran madly around the bases and wallowed in the instant carnival the Yankees had set up -- from the magician to the bouncy castle to reliever Alfredo Aceves strolling the yard, strumming his guitar while Cashman sang the Police's "Message in a Bottle." For one night, at least, these kids found out they are not alone in being alone.

Not that they don't play baseball at Camp Sundown. They do -- at midnight, to the accompaniment of owls and bullfrogs -- against the local fire department. "We're pathetic," says Caren Mahar. "But we always play."

By 3:30, it was time to go, and there was no time to waste. They had to make it back to Camp Sundown before sunup. Welcome to life lived like a vampire.

On board the bus, Katie Mahar, 17, was whipped. Her hearing is down to 50 percent, and her vision is going fast, and her words are starting to lack vowels. But anybody could understand her as she kept saying, "That was a blast! What a blast!"

And I keep thinking of my friend Jason Zillo and the 14 years it took him to make this night happen.

"I saw one little girl," he said afterward, exhausted. "When the centerfield wall opened and the whole carnival started coming out -- she just started jumping up and down, over and over. She wouldn't stop, she was so excited. People wanted to thank me. But that's all I needed."

And you thought the warmest light came only from above.



Thursday, August 6, 2009


Did you know the word "victim" is not in the Bible anywhere? No Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek word that fits the same qualification as the English word for "victim". The ancient Hebrews were keenly aware and preached that God is sovereign and has complete control over all that takes place. Thus, when bad things happen, ultimately God was at work in it some way. Oh sure, there are definitely evil forces that come against us and free will makes things messy, but amazingly God is still in supreme control over all this.
The Old Testament very much emphasized God's sovereignty, while the New Testament very much emphasized His goodness. Most would look at God's goodness and his complete control and point to a problem. How can a good God allow bad things to happen? The tension that this creates bothers many and should, until we simply accept that God is completely good and completely in control and His ways are simply greater than my ways.
Having said all of this, we go back to the word "victim". Many people use it and characterize their entire lives around being the victim. Nobody is denying that evil things happen, but when one chooses to live a life of the victim, then one misses out on quite a bit. The Hebrews never used the term victim, because ultimately one can always trace back the victimization to God. A man beats up his son on a regular basis. However, the man was beaten up by his father and knows no better and the same can be said of the father before that. Thus, when you get right back to it, God is the one victimizing because he created us all. On several occasions, the Hebrews cried out to God for what took place. And on each of those occasions God revealed himself enough to help the person step out of the place of victimization and into one who walks with God.
We blame everything on everyone else and truly fail to take responsibility for our actions. I was born with the propensity to be angry and lust. Does that give me licence to hurt another human being or commit adultery, absolutely not? Rather, the buck stops here, because God's spirit is in control of my life. Until people begin to pick up the pieces of brokenness regardless of whether that brokenness was forced upon them or chosen, they cannot completely fulfill God's calling on their lives.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


And so my day has consisted of catching a significant leak in the basement of the church building. About 7 inches from the floor the wall was urinating onto the floor. Bucket after bucket after bucket was used to catch the water. The shop vac on continually. At its worse, the bucket had to be emptied every 3 minutes or it would overflow. The bucket was emptied into a large trashcan and then emptied into a drain just outside the door. Back and forth, back and forth. Through it all I attempted to find meaning in what I was doing. It wasn't backbreaking and it was necessary, but mostly it was just annoying.
Just three days ago, we had hundreds line up outside the church to collect school supplies. In total we served 373 children. It was alot of work getting to it and we could tell the need was great. I truly felt so blessed and privileged and happy to be a part of it. I wanted to shout from the rooftops because for one day the needs of the people were met and we had connected people with Christ. It was awesome and I am already excited for next year. And yet, here I am staring at a wall with water running through it, threatening to ruin the carpet and classroom supplies.
And here's why all of this is significant...God deserves our love and respect regardless of the circumstance. Whether we are underwater or on top of it, we must do this. And why must we do this? Because if we fail to do this, then we fail to come anywhere close to emulating Christ. Next time you want to toss in the towel on things or only live for great moments, understand that God desperately wants a relationship with you regardless of what is going on.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Set Apart

The term "sanctification" at its most basic of level means to set apart. This time last week I was set apart at a youth camp in Southern Indiana. I had no radio to listen to, no television, no computer, no people around me who make inappropriate comments or curse, no temptation to spend too much money because I had no money with me, no temptation to be lazy because things simply needed to get done, no lack of God-inspired instruction, no lack of fun, and no major obligations that caused stress. Oh my, was it good to be set apart! However, I am home again and all those things that set me apart for a week are back.
So here is my challenge today for me and for you. Become simpler! Get rid of the television, shut off the computer, avoid those conversations which bring you down, bring your focus onto Christ and be filled with his Spirit rather than on the things of this world. I am not advocating you become Amish or anything, but maybe we have such a tough time breaking through to God because so many other things are influencing us because we have allowed it. Get away from the monotony of daily life and get excited about Kingdom living!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Defining Success

For most people, it is very easy to define success for themselves. Success is when they have met their expectations or possibly exceeded those expectations. Even people who set lofty goals and don't meet them who still be looked at as successful by others. We determine how successful a business is by its profit margin and public perception. We determine success in the family by looking at those who have become upstanding citizens and contribute in a positive way to society. Recently, we also determine success in the Church by how big the buildings are and how many attend on Sundays. And yet, if we are honest success in the kingdom is not necessarily measured this way.
Don't think that I am a "big church" basher. Not at all! I have a great appreciation for what they are doing and marvel at how God blesses them. I have long learned that I don't think I am geared like these church leaders. God's measure of success is much, much different. Based on Jesus' time on earth, he would have been a flop compared to today's standards. He had a congregation of only 12 close followers. Out of those, several of them argued who was the best. One of them stole money out of the treasury and handed Jesus over to crucifixion. Every single one of them, save one, abandoned him in his time of need. And yet, so many have been transformed by the words of Jesus and what he did. I look at Jesus and I see what made him successful and these are what I saw...
1. Jesus built close relationships with his disciples who in turn gained disciples and it spread. Thus, relationship is a form of success.
2. The power of God was present in Jesus and he performed many signs and wonders. Thus, success is when the power of God saves the lost, heals the sick, and sanctifies the sinner.
3. Jesus did not bow to the pressures in the religious world. Ouch, this is a tough one. Many friends who are in various churches I view as not "getting it", but am I willing to go against the grain to do what is right, not what is popular?
4. Jesus had such a great relationship with the Father. Do our churches have just as good a relationship?

Be careful how you judge success, you may find it and then learn that you were successful in the wrong set of eyes.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


What does it mean to be part of community? What does it mean to look like a community that truly is an expression of Jesus Christ? What does it look like to fully live out the great commandments of loving God and loving people? Here is my picture of it...

People talking with one another. People meeting each others needs. True and honest friendships blossoming. Prayer taking place everywhere. Congregations meeting and simply testifying about what God is doing. People enjoying going to their place of employment and believing in what they are doing. Crime no longer exists. All needs are met: food, clothing, shelter, relationships. Families spending time with each other. Signs and wonders taking place all over.

Oh how glorious it will be! And yet it seems so impossible. For those who dream about some things it sparks excitement, but also sadness. For the dream to come a reality a simple few must begin to really live like the dream. If you see your neighbor needs help moving a couch, you move it! If your child needs help on homework, you help with a good attitude! If somebody needs a friend, then you put down what your doing and be a friend! Be not just a hearer of the Word, but a doer also!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Getting burned is such a painful thing to happen. Sometimes you see it coming and sometimes you don't. There are the times when you go to grab a pan from the stove and accidently put your hand in a spot where it is way too hot. Immediately, you pull back from the pan and feel the effects from the burn. Other times you aren't really suprised by the burn at all, like when you have been out in the sun for 7 hours and you chose not to put sunscreen on your body. Either way it is painful, whether it is a surprise or you could see it coming.
The same thing happens when people "burn" you. A "burn" by a person is when you are hurt by another individual. Unfortunately and fortunately, as a pastor, I have found myself burned quite a bit. You try to help someone and they end up getting mad at you for helping. Or somebody is filling their heads with lies and you get burned on the other end. Or you've put so much time and energy into helping someone, but it still isn't enough for the person. To be perfectly honest, I feel like I get burned all the time. And I can say with all sincerity that I never did anything mean or milicious on purpose. This is the unfortunate part, but on the fortunate side I get to identify with Christ. Let me explain this...
When you are on a team you become part of a special group because you have gone through all the pain and heartache together. There is a major disconnect when a new member joins a team because that new member hasn't been through what everyone else has been through. As a believer who is attempting to identify with Christ daily, getting burned by people is one of the biggest identifiers. Christ only came to help and show people the Kingdom, yet they killed him for it. He was beaten, mocked, and ulitmately burned by even his closest followers. Yet, he was never bitter and kept moving forward.
The danger in being burned so many times is that you get an attitude and close yourself off from others. When this happens, then we are limited in our growth potential. So, here's the deal, you may be scared to get involved in a situation or do the right thing because you have been burned so many times before, but the truth of the matter is sometimes you just have to get burned and get through it. At a wedding I once performed, the bride could not get the unity candle lit and she was getting very nervous and upset. I saw that the hot wax had engulfed the wick. The only thing to do was get the hot wax out, so I used by hand to do it. I knew it would burn and hurt, but these kids needed to get married. Do what you know to do even if that means being burned. It is an excellent way to identify with Christ and remember that he can heal those wounds.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Remnant

The Bible consistently talks about a group known as a remnant. A remnant is usually a small group that has withstood through incredible hardship. The Bible is full of remnants.
Noah and his family were a remnant after the earth was destroyed by a flood.
Lot and his daughters were a remnant after Sodom & Gomorrah was destroyed.
A remnant is left over after the Assyrian army conquers the Northern Kingdom.
A remnant is left over after the Babylonian army conquers the Southern Kingdom.
Paul mentions a remnant of Jews who will accept Christ as their personal savior.

On an even smaller scale, I think many churches have remnants of believers that have completely sold out to the message of the Gospel. These people can be identified through their faithfulness to attend functions/activities, lending a hand regularly to others in the church community, and an eagerness to gain more insight into Jesus Christ. In other words, these people get what the Kingdom of God is really all about. Sadly, and I am speaking as a realist and not a pessimist, most people fail to strive for complete surrender to the will of God. Those who are seeking surrender of their will, I believe, is truly the remnant. Only a small group of people really get why we are here and how we are to be active.
Let us not be sad, but rather work diligently to increase the remnant of those dedicated to Kingdom work. My question to you today is: Are you considered part of the remnant? In all sincerity, I consider the majority of "Christian" Americans to flat out not really get what its all about. I think the culture has produced a people who identify with the goodness of God without understanding the sacrifice involved. Cheap grace has replaced a willingness to die to self and pursue God in a lovely and purified way. So again, I ask, are you part of the remnant?


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Return from Junior Camp

Every June a large number of children (ages 8-12) gather at a youth camp in Southern Indiana. I have personally been apart of this camp for 19 years. Many a fond memory took place at the camp ground. It is always exciting to see what God does in the lives of His children.
The theme of the camp was "Gone Fishing". Lessons on the need to get caught by God, avoid the bait of the world, and the need to go out and catch others was all part of the curriculum components. The kids had a great time and hopefully this is a lasting memory in their spiritual journey.
While the children received spiritual training during this time, I couldn't help but play with the theme in my own mind, so here is my thoughts on fishing...
I'm really not a big fan of fishing. I enjoy the water, the boat, and a nice day (but not when it is scorching hot outside). My fishing career involves approximately 7 trips and only two fish caught out of the 7 trips. Once the fish was caught it was a major let down because it was only a little blue gill. To be honest, I went fishing to enjoy nature with no real focus on actually catching fish. I have found that I am not alone in this process.
I said all that to say this... Sometimes we get so caught up in doing our job or our calling that we forget about the beauty in the journey. For some people, fishing is their livelihood, thus they are single-minded. Dare I say that the whole reason God gives us a task like fishing is simply to spend some time with us in the boat. There is nothing more irritating then going out fishing and getting stuck with someone that is so focused on getting fish that they suck the joy out of everything else. My suggestion to you today is pick up your pole and go fishing, but understand that the real treasure maybe the time spent with the people in your boat. If you catch a fish great, if not, there is always another day.


Friday, June 19, 2009


Contentment is one of the more difficult things to bring into balance. Ultimately, contentment comes when we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. However, because we are called to "go", we have a responsibility to be content without becoming complacent. We shall talk about different kinds of people.
There are those who have lots of ambition and dream of doing great things. This works out OK as long as the individual is not selfish in that ambition. So many people disregard where God has them because they are chasing the next thing. Watch yourself! Don't take for granted where God has you now because you have your head in the clouds.
There are those who have no ambition and are simply content to relax. They like routine and are content as they can live a bit luxurious. They see the benefits of living a quiet life with little pressure to do more. Watch yourself! Don't think you can hide if God has asked you to do more than what is currently being done.
Regardless of whether a person is ambitious, contentment comes from have a Kingdom perspective and moving with the Spirit. The Kingdom of God is within in us and all around us. It is our opportunity to show the love and power of God to all those around us. Whether you are at home, at the job, on some great adventure, or stuck in an irritating place, we can reveal the Kingdom to others and see its revelation around us.
Are you missing what's really important because you are stuck on yourself?


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Theology of the Miserables

Many people will agree that doing the right thing is best, for the most part. Doing the right thing is what we should ultimately strive for, however there does come a point where many people are willing to just give up or give in. This point is what I would like to call the point of misery. Basically, it is when enough miserable things have happened, where the basic need to be happy kicks in and so we make a decision we maybe would never normally make. I'm not talking about giving into ridiculous temptations. I'm talking about giving in, when the pain of maintaining what's right becomes so unbearable. It is at this point, where many if they are honest are sympathetic to the person's choice to do something that makes them happy.
How many times have we heard someone discuss all that they have gone through and how they just want to be happy. This can lead to hurting others, giving up on a situation, running away, or doing something that makes the flesh feel good. It is as if we say that a pass has been given to this person for going as far as they can before giving up.
Unfortunately, if we say that we believe the truth of the Bible, then we know that God will never give us anything we cannot handle. Thus, we should very much have the opportunity to handle it in a correct fashion rather than making a foolish mistake. I am writing this blog because I so very much want to give up on pastoring. I have been told by many that this is a normal feeling to have. I very much feel that I would be a quitter to give it up. And truthfully I wouldn't really give it up, I would just find a way to pastor that is less painful. It's pretty hard to wrestle with quitting when you know that it really isn't an option, but at the same time the misery of all that goes with it becomes a bit unbearable at times.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Golden Rule

I was told when I was young the simple golden rule. Essentially, the rule was do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Who knew that Jesus had said the exact same thing? In the famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus mentions this phrase. It is one of the most important sayings and has transcended the religious establishment to be a phrase used in pop culture.
Having said all this, do we actually do unto others as we would have them do unto us? Or, are we so focused on ourselves that we refuse to put forth extra effort for others perferring to just do what we want to do. Sometimes we pretend that our actions don't effect others but they do. We must move outside of the prison known as selfishness and move to a place where we help others out regardless of whether we were ever helped out in the first place.
We cannot truly appreciate Christ until we become givers who give because we know its right. Enough with emotions, enough with the relativity of truth, do what you know to do because you know it is the right thing to do.


Monday, June 1, 2009

The Joy of a Baby

As my wife and I prepare for the arrival of our first child, there are great expectations in the air. We are trying to anticipate things while also not getting locked into a box on the way things should be. We are working to prepare the baby's room and have begun contemplating parenting strategies. Our thoughts consistently go towards the baby and we have several dates on our planners that are signficant milestones. There is a joy at the journey in front of us. Yes, lots of responsiblities loom, but responsiblities that bring much joy. The funny thing is that I don't even know my son/daughter yet. I've seen a fuzzy, alien-like picture. I haven't even heard a heartbeat yet. My wife is barely even showing that something is living in her. Yet, the joy, excitement, and anticipation is still ever present.
Oh how I wish we were this way with the Lord. People often look at the responsbilities accompanied with faith as a burden, when in fact there is immense joy in the responbility of it all. There should be an excitement at the memories we share with God and the excitement on what could happen today. How many young parents get so very excited when the baby takes the first steps, says the first word, says the first sentence, sleeps through the night, gets potty-trained, says something fantastic, etc. Don't we know that God desires to share at least one moment with us each and every day. Don't miss it. Instead of dreading things, like all the diapers that will be changed, all the sleepless nights, all the headaches of a crying baby, and the such, why don't we embrace it? Same goes for the things of God. Embrace your moments each day and keep building that relationship with the Lord.


Friday, May 22, 2009

The Beauty of Good Old Fashioned Work

I apologize that I am delayed in getting my blogs out there, but I have been working my second job setting up tents. I am tired, my hands are cut and bruised, and my sinuses are killing me, but oh I am so grateful. To wake up in the morning and have a purpose. My purpose being to earn money for my family, build relationships with my co-workers, and ultimately be an example for Christ. When I'm not doing that I get to passionately minister as a pastor. I am busy, but oh so blessed and enjoying it all.
There is something about being tired at the end of the day because you actually did something, and something that really mattered. When I talk to people and their days consist of internet surfing, video game playing, television watching, and other similar activities, I feel bad for them! All of those activities promote isolation and take away from those things which really matter.
My advice to you is get busy doing things that actually matter. I am not telling you to get busy and stressed out about things. I mean enjoy the opportunities that God gives you to do things that support your purpose on earth. How blessed we are to be busy with Kingdom work!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Sometimes we need to question whether or not we are focused on God's divine purpose for our lives. We can get distracted with careers, education, hobbies, family, etc. None of those things are bad if we figure out how to incorporate everything into our divine purpose. Sometimes people assume that discovering one's divine purpose is to figure out a certain career path. For instance, it may be easy for me to say that my purpose is to act as a pastor at BCC. This is not the case, I have narrowed too much. Rather, my divine purpose is to act as a pastor. I have a shepherd's heart and desire to nurture people to a place where they function at their highest potential. To limit my calling to BCC would be to neglect so many other opportunities I have. For instance, I flew out to Denver for a funeral. Not a single person in attendance will probably ever move to Indianapolis and become a part of BCC, but I still have a responsiblity to pastor anywhere and any time. Why? Because it is my natural calling. I am here to help regardless of whether or not someone is officially a member of BCC.
This helps me to grab those divine moments when I can be an instrument of God. I like the concept of a pastor, because it gives me the freedom to do whatever is necessary in particular situation. Sometimes I preach to help, or maybe teach, or just be a listener, or go eat with them, or any number of things. If I recognize my call to pastoring and fulfill it at all times not just during office hours, then I open the door for God to move in a mighty way regularly and in every facet of my life. What is your divine purpose?


Monday, May 4, 2009


I have been to 3 different funeral-related services in the last 4 days. The first was a viewing. The second was a memorial service. The third was a graveside service. It was abundantly clear to me at each service that the man who passed was very much impactful for the Kingdom of God. He truly was a saint who took God's commission seriously. It is as if he lived life on purpose and fulfilled his purpose.
Invariably, these thoughts begin to reflect on my own life. Am I impacting people with the Kingdom of God effectively and on purpose? Or is my life filled with self-gratifying moments that only impact my level of comfort? Perhaps, those of us who have not been putting in the effort, should think about the way we are mourned at our funerals. Not a single person questioned where this man ended up in eternity. Again and again people said the same thing about the character and giftings he possessed. The tears that were shed were simply because he will be so very missed, but there is almost an awe of all that he accomplished in mild-mannered way. Live to love God and his creation, if there is too much self-loving then it's time to make some changes.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Timing

God consistently teaches me lessons that I must be very careful to listen for. Specifically, I love that I am a pastor. I enjoy people for the most part and I like the variety that this job (if you can even call it that) allows me to partake in regularly. On any given day I can, prepare for a sermon, prepare for a lesson, discuss business on the phone or at meetings, counsel with people, do some good old fashioned manual labor in the building, or be out and about running needed errands. Everything that I do actually matters and I can tell that it matters.
When you love something so much and you have so much invested in it and God has been showing up more regularly, then it is difficult when suddenly your hands are tied. Due to the passing of a friend, I am leaving all this weekend for Denver. I love to go there and it will be fun, but it came at a time when there is so very much going on with the church family. I feel bad about having to leave and then it occurred to me that this is exactly what God wants. The church must and has to function while I am gone, or I have missed the boat. So many people can step up and stretch from their experiences while I am away.
I am becoming more and more excited because I realize that the pressure of worrying about how everything will go is now off me, because it is HIS bride in the first place. How glorious it is that God will still show up whether I am there or not. Instead, I can go and be with my friend, his family, and help out. That is my work for the Kingdom this weekend. Meanwhile, Bethel Community will keep on keeping on because God is alive in our Church.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Saying Goodbye

This morning Crest Cummings passed away. From every angle I saw, he was an incredible husband, father, worker, and pastor. He was a man that I respected and getting to know his son on a close level, I have even more respect for him because his son is awesome. The only thing left now is to pray for the family and allow God to use the situation to bring a greater glory.
I am truly at a loss for words and have no idea how to communicate my feelings. My mind simply goes back to the story of Lazarus. Martha was comforted by Jesus because she knew that her brother would be resurrected on the other side. Jesus took it one step further and brought back her brother a mere four days after his death. Somehow, someway that story gives me comfort, because I know that Crest is resurrected on the other side. He wasn't healed and able to continue living on this earth as I had prayed, but instead he is glorified in a radiance that I have not yet experienced. May the intimacy with Christ that we should all strive for each day be realized fully for Crest this very day. He and His Father are one and in this I rejoice. What a glorious hope we have, even when the pain of the day seems to be too much. Praise the Lord, for He is good and his full revelation has been shown to Crest this day. Amen.


Monday, April 27, 2009


This last Sunday the message was on complacency. We looked at the glorious relationship that King David had with the Lord and how his complacency led to making some very foolish decisions and ultimately committing adultery and murdering. Pretty bad for somebody that is "a man after God's own heart." It shows us just how pathetic we are without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives.
I believe that David's repentence for his sin after he was confronted is one of the most beautiful examples of what is right in this world. When God comes knocking at our door, a wonderful thing will take place if we choose to open it. The thing we must understand is that we need to open the door even if we don't feel like revealing what is inside us.
There is nothing sadder than seeing a believer choose to ignore the knocks of God. I completely understand that areas of guilt and shame will explode and cause issues, but seriously, why keep the door shut when the creator of the universe is giving us the option to make things right again. I am so torn up inside because I see the unwillingness of people to release that which is evil in their lives and it hurts deeply, because I know for a fact where that road leads.
On the other hand, their are those people who bring incredibly joy to me because they choose to open the door and let the light shine on areas of darkness in their lives. It reminds me of the power of Christ to make all things new.
David cried out after his sin was made known: "Create in me a clean heart; renew a right spirit within me." Let that line be our prayer when we don't have the courage to step from the shadows.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Events of a Believer

Sometimes it is good to get away and enjoy the company of fellow believers and the perspective of different speakers. Do we get away often enough to hear different ideas and see how God is moving in different places? Many times we get in the same rut of hearing the same minister all the time. It is of great importance to have someone to who you have a reference point. At some point though, we should seek to expand our horizons.
So, this week I am at a conference to get different perspectives. I am sure it will be a blessed time. Take the opportunity to look at things in Scripture you may some times avoid because of unfamiliarity. Experience other churches from time to time to get perspective. Most of all, have fun learning. May the Spirit of God guide you in your passion to know HIM more.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Busy with Purpose

There is the certain type of busy that stresses people out and makes one think that this is not a pace that can be kept up with. People are always telling me how incredibly busy they are, but the question I pose is whether it is the right kind of busy or the wrong kind of busy.
The right kind of busy is the type in which one is busy with things that fulfill God's divine purpose for his or her life. In other words, it is busy-ness that is concerned with God's Kingdom. There is something so incredibly satisfying when one is extremely busy serving the Lord and His creation. There is this exhaustion when the person hits the pillow, but it is exhaustion with deep satisfaction. There is nothing wrong with this sort of being busy. (Just make sure you don't get burned out and do something foolish; learn to take breaks).
When I volunteer at the youth camp each summer, I am up at approximately 6 each morning and don't go to sleep until about Midnight that night. All day is spent running errands, overseeing children and teenagers, teaching, maybe preaching, manual labor, and lots of stimulating and fulfilling conversation. I go to sleep at night exhausted, but I am absolutely in paradise. This same sensation has happened when I have gone on mission trips or served in the community all day. It is fantastic!
Think about it this way... Before the fall of mankind, Adam worked in the garden. He worked! He served! It was work with purpose and it was enjoyable. I argue that the abundant life Christ has given to us very much points to this principle. We are to be about our Father's business, and boy is his business good! So get busy doing His business and go to sleep tired and satisfied.
On a practical note, I would encourage you to log what it is you do during a normal day or normal week. You may find that you aren't as busy with the right things as you thought you were. Observe how much time you sit in front of the television or computer and if you give up some of this, then perhaps you will find more time to relax and be busy with the good things!


Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Psalm 22
1 My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?
Why are You so far from helping Me,
And from the words of My groaning?
2 O My God, I cry in the daytime, but You do not hear;
And in the night season, and am not silent.

3 But You are holy,
Enthroned in the praises of Israel.
4 Our fathers trusted in You;
They trusted, and You delivered them.
5 They cried to You, and were delivered;
They trusted in You, and were not ashamed.

6 But I am a worm, and no man;
A reproach of men, and despised by the people.
7 All those who see Me ridicule Me;
They shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,
8 “He trusted[b] in the LORD, let Him rescue Him;
Let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him!”

9 But You are He who took Me out of the womb;
You made Me trust while on My mother’s breasts.
10 I was cast upon You from birth.
From My mother’s womb
You have been My God.
11 Be not far from Me,
For trouble is near;
For there is none to help.

12 Many bulls have surrounded Me;
Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled Me.
13 They gape at Me with their mouths,
Like a raging and roaring lion.

14 I am poured out like water,
And all My bones are out of joint;
My heart is like wax;
It has melted within Me.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
And My tongue clings to My jaws;
You have brought Me to the dust of death.

16 For dogs have surrounded Me;
The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me.
They pierced[c] My hands and My feet;
17 I can count all My bones.
They look and stare at Me.
18 They divide My garments among them,
And for My clothing they cast lots.

19 But You, O LORD, do not be far from Me;
O My Strength, hasten to help Me!
20 Deliver Me from the sword,
My precious life from the power of the dog.
21 Save Me from the lion’s mouth
And from the horns of the wild oxen!

You have answered Me.

22 I will declare Your name to My brethren;
In the midst of the assembly I will praise You.
23 You who fear the LORD, praise Him!
All you descendants of Jacob, glorify Him,
And fear Him, all you offspring of Israel!
24 For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted;
Nor has He hidden His face from Him;
But when He cried to Him, He heard.

25 My praise shall be of You in the great assembly;
I will pay My vows before those who fear Him.
26 The poor shall eat and be satisfied;
Those who seek Him will praise the LORD.
Let your heart live forever!

27 All the ends of the world
Shall remember and turn to the LORD,
And all the families of the nations
Shall worship before You.[d]
28 For the kingdom is the LORD’s,
And He rules over the nations.

29 All the prosperous of the earth
Shall eat and worship;
All those who go down to the dust
Shall bow before Him,
Even he who cannot keep himself alive.

30 A posterity shall serve Him.
It will be recounted of the Lord to the next generation,
31 They will come and declare His righteousness to a people who will be born,
That He has done this.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is a holy day that many churches fail to recognize. It focuses on the washing of the disciples feet by Jesus, the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal by Judas. I choose today to focus on the washing of the disciples feet.
The humility that Jesus showed by lowering himself to the place of a servant is absolutely magnificent. Here we have "God in the Flesh" washing the dirty feet of his followers. Oh how we need more servant leaders in our midst today! People anger at their politicians, bosses, and pastors because it appears the leader cares to be served more than to serve. Let us all learn to serve in humility! If the Creator of the Universe can do it, then so can we!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Holy Week: Monday

It is extremely Biblical to take the opportunity to celebrate in extraordinary ways holidays (Holy-days). The Lord laid out the importance of celebration with the various feasts. During Sukkot, people celebrate the time when the Hebrew people lived in tents for forty years in the wilderness. So, during this time, many people set up their own tents, or booths, in the backyard and remember this time. During Passover, the time when the Angel of Death came through Egypt and spared the firstborn of those who had lamb's blood on the door frame. Today, an entire meal tells the story of Passover. Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement), the people's sins were atoned for through the ritual sacrifices offered at the Tabernacle. Today, people fast and pray and rejoice that God has mercy on them. Sukkot, Passover, and Yom Kippur are three of the major celebrations laid out for the Jews in Scripture. The symbolism found in each of these holy days is obviously Jesus Christ from the Christian perspective.
In many ways, Easter is a culmination of all holidays and special days. Specifically, many churches have services throughout the week depicting many different elements of the entire Holy Week. We celebrate Palm Sunday as Jesus entered Jerusalem. We celebrate Maundy Thursday which depicts the Last Supper. We celebrate Good Friday as Jesus hung upon the cross. Finally, on Sunday we celebrate the glorious resurrection!
Choose to consecrate yourself this week, or set yourself apart during this time. Make this week not about you! Rather choose to do things out of the ordinary that truly set this week apart from other weeks. Spend extra time reading the Scriptures, pray in a way that is not so focused on yourself, spend time listening only to music that gives glory to God, shut the television off, fast some meals (praying during those times), and if you have an ox in the ditch then deal with it, but if not, put off some things until next week. Don't miss this opportunity and involve your friends and family if appropriate!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Greatness of Humility

There is something so wonderful about meeting another individual who is truly humble. Humility is simply understanding the role one plays in any given situation. For instance, I am good at preaching. I am not awesome; that is obvious from the lack of people drawn to hear what I say. At the same time, I really don't think I'm bad. It seems that my words have helped to inspire others. However, I am keenly aware that the message is fantastic and life-changing when the Holy Spirit is moving in a mighty way. When this happens, a cruddy message ends up becoming one the best ever. When the Spirit does not move, then even my best messages don't completely get through. Thus, I work hard to improve in my limited human abilities and pray that God's Spirit moves more often.
If people could learn humility in every area of their lives, then life would be better. A person who is good at something won't get a big head and take credit for themselves. At the same time, the person won't have a false sense that they have nothing to do with what is taking place, because God very much enjoys using people. Therefore, acknowledge where you are strong, where you are weak, and understand that absolutely nothing is possible without God's allowance.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Unfortunately, this society suffers from complexity, lack of focus, and laziness. These three factors are deadly for those who truly want to make a difference in this world. Let's look at each of these factors and attempt to correct them in order to be better stewards of God's Kingdom.
Complexity is an absolute killer when it comes to a person believing they can do something and cannot do something. The more complex something is that more irritating it can become. Some people enjoy the complexity, but eventually it can where someone out. Refer to my last post about simplicity to get a better idea of the need to be simple.
Lack of focus is another killer when trying to get things accomplished. Sometimes people are spread so thin on so many different projects that they really don't do anything well. They do a little bit of everything to be average, instead of focusing in order to be successful. Determine those areas in your life that need the most attention and focus on those areas. Obviously, we need to focus on those areas which help us to follow the commands to love God and people. Here are some important areas to focus on:
1. Do you find yourself lacking in the spiritual disciplines such as praying and reading the Bible? Let's focus in on it, so you can improve your intimacy with the Lord. My suggestion is that you make it a priority at the beginning of the day. Take time out during lunch time to focus and then take some moment in the evening. I don't care how long you go, just make it true quality time.
2. Do you sometimes take your family for granted? You need to make priority with them. That doesn't mean you create a whole bunch of activities and make things complex. It means you take a few moments each day to have real quality time. For example: I could watch television with my dad for a couple hours or I could throw the football with him for 15 minutes. Guess which one meant more to me? Think simple!
3. In order to support your family, your job is important, but don't let it consume your life. Therefore, set up natural boundaries between your job and the rest of your life. I understand that people have different jobs with different bosses and different pressures, but find the balance!
4. Cut out television, the constant noise of music, limit time on the computer, and avoid making a particular hobby an obsession.
So in review, place your relationship with God as your primary focus, then focus on family and close friends, then focus on relationships with people you work with, and finally focus on time to recharge yourself. Make sure you do it in this order! As the great Gayle Sears said, "God first, friends and family second, and me third!"
And finally, avoid laziness! You can do this by getting rid of those aspects of your life that you go to when you procrastinate. Do you like to go to the bar and sit and drink for a couple hours? Laziness (and dare I say incredibly stupid)! Do you sit in front of your computer for hours and hours and it is not work related? Laziness! Do you watch hours of television? Laziness! Cut it out! Force yourself to go out and do something, if you are in a lethargic mood, then do what you can, but keep trying!
People have too complicated a life, they lack focus, and they have a tendency to be lazy. All of these things restrict your ability to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and fulfill God's call on your life!


Sunday, March 29, 2009


It amazes me how complex we allow our lives to become. People have jobs, volunteer activities, hobbies, church activities, family obligations, and vacations to fit into the schedule. So many people are at the end of their ropes and end up having a meltdown. I propose the next two weeks to be weeks of simplicity. Let us lead up to Easter with an attitude to relax a bit. Here are some things I think can be done to help with the simplifying process.

1. Wake up earlier and take a more leisurely pace getting ready in the morning.
2. Take the opportunity to read a short snippet of Scripture and then just have a good heart-to-heart with the Lord. This will help focus you the rest of the day.
3. Do not become overwhelmed with work, rather go at a steady pace with a solid purpose. Many times the boss gets annoyed at you whether you are frantically moving or not, so just take your time and get the job done well.
4. Take a simple brown bag to work with simple foods.
5. Get your kids prepared to leave earlier than you usually would so that your not so worried about showing up late.
6. Take the opportunity to exercise or be active in a simplistic way. For example, go out for a walk or a run, instead of going to the gym.
7. Do something simple for dinner each night that doesn't take long but is satisfying.
8. Don't watch television and only get on the computer to check necessary e-mail. Many times we get so flustered with a lack of time, but much of that time was spent doing nothing but watching television.
9. Flip on some music that is glorifying to God to relax you.
10. Do something fun and spontaneous that you don't normally do.

So, there you go, some tips to be simple and help focus on the Lord during this Easter season.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Theological Thursdays

The movie "Rudy" (based on the true story) is about an undersized football player that dreams of playing for the Notre Dame Fightin' Irish. He has had this dream as a kid, was a decent player in high school, but lacked the grades and the God-given size to exceed at football. After his best friend is killed in an accident, he decides to take his changes and pursue this dream. First, he must prove himself at a local community college, then if his grades are good he can officially get accepted to the university. His grades are good, but unfortunately he is denied admission twice in a row. He knows that this semester will be his last shot to attend the University and try out for the football team. As he sits in a church praying, a priest who has befriended him goes and talks. Rudy wonders aloud if he has prayed enough. The priest responds with something like this: "In my study of theology, there are two undeniable facts: There is a God, and I'm not Him." Rudy eventually has his prayers answered and attends his dream school.
I have lived by these words during times when I don't understand and what to take control of a situation I have no business taking control of. Maybe you should stand by it too during difficult times.


Monday, March 23, 2009

God's Will

I consider myself to be a very rational person and in some ways wiser than others my own age. I have always been an observing person. Even when I am doing the talking, I attempt to observe their reaction. I sit and I analyze things until I have that "ah-ha" moment to know exactly what to do. It's a process that I go through that has worked well for me. However, I have a situation that has presented itself that has stumped me.
There is a man in his 50s that has slowly been withering away these last few years from cancer. He is a pastor who definitely believes and has seen many get healed from cancer. The majority of his family around him is saved and they have been praying diligently for him. According to the doctors, he is getting down to the last few months of his life. The last few years have been hard on this family and I think everyone is to the point where it is probably difficult to take much more suffering.
As I analyze this situation, to me there is only one legitimate option. Jesus must heal him completely of cancer so that this family can get back to living and I know that all involved would give so much glory to God if he were healed. I have seen situations like this before, and I have a tough time with them, because I see no value in the man dying. The only value is that he no longer has to suffer. But God is completely able to bring him out of the suffering without taking his life. I have attempted to analyze this from every possible angle and I see no benefit in allowing him to continue to suffer and eventually die. He needs to be healed and it needs to be now.
When presented with situations like this before with other people and they begin to ask questions, I can never answer, because I don't want some lame, non-spirit led answer to flow out of my mouth. So, I can't even say to myself, how can I answer the question adequately. I have no choice but to follow Jesus no matter what. He is the truth and my faith will not waiver in that. I want the man healed so I can brag on the power of Christ and prove to others his deep love. I am ashamed to think of my reaction if Christ chooses to allow the "natural" course of things to progress. It just seems so ungodly to let him die like this.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Theological Thursdays

Today, I would like to discuss the concept of being proactive. James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." I realize that different theologies will draw different conclusions on this matter, but all must admit that there is some mysterious and divine partnership between a human being and the Lord Jesus Christ. Based on my own background, God's Spirit draws me to Him, but I also have to take steps of obedience to grow in relationship with Him.
Many people have experienced God drawing nearer to them. It is a precious moment that surpasses so many life experiences. Imagine two points on a line that move closer and closer to each other. The ultimate goal is to become one point. Imagine one point representing the LORD and the other point representing you. Both sides should tenaciously move towards the other, yet God seems to always be more tenacious on His side. We have a tendency to sit back and say: "God will do what He will do." What if we increased our tenacity for drawing closer to the LORD? What if we fought for God's attention and desire much like we fought when that special guy or girl caught our fancy? God woos us, so why can't we work on our end of the romance too. Have you wooed those LORD today?
Choose this day to fight to improve your relationship with God. Take the time to do what is necessary to make it work. If we fight as hard as we can to be as close to Him as possible, then in those moments when we still fall short God in his perfect love keeps drawing near regardless.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Teaching Tuesdays

The first seven verses of the book of Proverbs summarizes what the entire book is about:
"To know wisdom and instuction, to perceive the words of understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion- A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel, to understand a proverb and an enigma, the words of the wise and their riddles. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
When someone informs me that they desire to be used by God in a mighty way, I look very closely at two main things. First, does the person act as a servant. Secondly, I look to see if they have a teachable spirit. Without these two attributes, it will be extremely difficult for God to use them fully. (I will note however, that God uses whomever, whenever to accomplish His will).
I will talk about being a servant another time, rather let us focus on the "teachable spirit". The beginning of Proverbs lays out several important areas one must work on to achieve his/her full potential. He talks about knowing, which in the Hebrew specifically talks about experiential wisdom. Thus, the person will have a hands on approach, not just theoretical. He talks about the willingness to take in wise counsel. Thus, we cannot rely only on ourselves, and why would we want to anyways? He speaks as though gaining wisdom and growing in the Lord requires hard work. You bet it does! Not wasted hard work, but the ability to sieze those moments to learn. At the very last, the text states that the "fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge." Thus, the journey of gaining one's full potential stems from the LORD being at the center of that knowledge base.
I know lots of people who have great hearts and try really hard, but they are stubborn and refuse to learn. We should choose to learn every single day, but many times laziness, procrastination, and arrogance get in the way of this. If you desire to reach your full potential, then choose this day to have a teachable spirit.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Freedom Friday

Freedom is a word that encompasses so much. Even more so does this word bring so much to the Believer's life. A spiritual thirst for freedom starts to become satisfied when we hand our lives over to Jesus Christ. Many are spiritually thirsty, but not all choose to taste of the freedom offered through Jesus. As we mature in the faith, so should our freedom from the bondage of sin. I will use a picture to help describe what we should all strive for...
I awaken to find myself in a large body bag. I am having difficulty to breathe and the bag doesn't quite fit my body very well. I am cramped and scared. Eventually, the zipper on the bag is found and I open it with great delight as I can now breathe more fully. I am delighted to be out of the bag, but I find myself in a car trunk. Thus, I can't stretch my legs out and the air feels so stale. Eventually, the lock on the trunk is released and I can get out to stretch my legs and have a full range of motion. Finally, a little light poors in from a single florescent bulb on the ceiling. Even though I can move freely and begin to see better, I am locked in a small garage with hardly enough room for the care containing it. It is wonderful to breathe better, move around, and see, but it doesn't seem quite right yet. Eventually, the garage door opens and I find myself in a medium sized junk yard. The sun is shining so brightly and the air feels so good. Unfortunately, there is a large concrete wall around the whole junk yard with barb wires around the top. I can't see out at all, but I have the sun and the wind, even if the air is a little foul from the processing of the metal. Eventually, the doors to the junk yard open and I realize I am on a small island in the middle of a lake. The island is about 2 square miles, but it is wonderful to see the water and the land across the water and have the freedom to move about. Still, after several years, I yearn to get off the island. Finally, I discover a boat and I hop aboard and head towards the mainland. Once I get to the mainland I am so excited to finally have room to move, after walking around quite a bit, I realize that I was actually on an even larger island in the middle of the ocean...
If you concentrate on the different pictures, then you can begin to imagine the wonderfulness of the new freedom. Of course, this freedom is only made possible as we continue to become more intimate with our Heavenly Father. As we continually become more transformed we will continue to experience new levels of freedom. Some Christians are content to be alive and in the body bag, others experience the trunk, some enjoy the garage, some like the junkyard, some enjoy the island in the lake, and others enjoy the island in the ocean. God accepts us wherever we are at, but he so very desperately desires for us to walk in freedom.
Have you experienced a new level of freedom lately or have you become content? Hunger and thirst after the Lord and enjoy the expanse of freedom.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Witness Wednesdays

The word "witnessing" has gotten a bad rap in recent years. Let me set a stereotypical picture for you of a person who once "witnessed" to me...
As I walked out of the building, I was bombarded with several people who had small pamphlets in their hands and who were also quite loud. I was in the middle of conversing with someone when we were all kind of split from each other and stared into the eyes of what looked like either an angry or frightened person. He stretched out his hand practically forcing the pamphlet into my hand and looked me square in the eyes and uttered these words: "If you were to die tonight where would you go heaven or hell?" I stood there stunned knowing full well that Jesus and I were extremely close to each other and would spend the rest of eternity getting to know each other. Unfortunately, I was so stunned that nothing came out immediately. Then, from the recesses of my brain I muttered a Sunday school series of explanations. To his first question, I responded with "Heaven". Then he said, "How do you know?" To which I responded, "Because I asked Jesus into my heart. I love Him and He loves me." I then walked away startled by the whole situation.
Now, if I was terrified of this person who was supposedly "witnessing" to me, I can only imagine how someone else might feel. Good grief! He didn't even ask my name! He didn't introduce himself! And he didn't act as a witness of seeing God move in a mighty way. I firmly believe that God uses all sorts of ways to reach people, but do people have to be so dog-gone unnatural and weird about it. There were other people touched that night and praise God for it. But again, I kind of go back to my thinking that I really don't care what you know, until I know that you care.
Similar things have happened seeing guys holding signs up and screaming on the corner about how we are all going to Hell without Jesus. It's absolutely true, but sheesh, calm down and talk with me about it. Or then there is the person that uses all sorts of Christianese language when speaking to me. Someone once asked: Are you saved and sanctified? What, huh? Most Christians can't agree on certain dialects of Christianese language and we've got people using it to people that have never set foot in a church building.
I say all that to say this: A witness is someone who has seen God in a mighty way, specifically through the revelation of Jesus Christ. If I witnessed a car accident and was told to inform the police, I would tell them what I saw and try to be of the best help I could. Maybe we need to witness in ways that are natural. Buy a co-worker lunch at work and find out about where they have come from and how they feel about things. If the conversation moves in such a way that an opportunity to present Christ happens then great! Mostly, we must learn to listen to God's Spirit in those situations. What about taking the opportunity to pray with someone who is having a difficult time, if that's what God's Spirit directs. God's in charge of converting people, not you! Rather be his instrument if He has chosen to use you at that moment. Some of the best "witnessing" jobs I ever did took over several years and required much patience, but those people are a part of Kingdom now so it was worth it. I didn't wear them down with a bunch of high-church talk, rather I loved them and cared for them. Choose this day, how you act as a witness for Christ; listen to His Spirit and love people.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Teaching Tuesdays

I have sat through many a sermon, including my own, which have made some tremendous points, but failed to hit on how to carry out things practically. Many of us have good intentions regarding fulfilling the objective of the sermon, but if the sermon lacks a practical way of carrying out the teaching, then what does it matter? I try my very best to remember this when I prepare for a message, but sometimes it doesn't come out as clearly. And I would assume that you listen to other Christian teachers and preachers who many times don't give a real concrete way of fulfilling that week's challenge.
Here is my challenge to you, in order to maximize the message preached. Learn how to set a practical goal in front of you after every message regardless of whether the teacher or preacher gave a practical goal. For instance...

Teaching on Forgiveness... Find a practical way to serve someone you have an issue with.
Teaching on Giving... Find an area during the week that you can give toward that you wouldn't normally do. If you are good at giving financially, find a way to give with your time, if you give in both these areas, give your talent, etc...
Teaching on Fear... Determine the place you are most fearful and resolve to fast and pray about that area until the peace of God begins to permeate you.
Teaching on Loving God... picture your relationship with God in light of a marriage. What areas are you good at in and what areas are you weak. If you have difficulty expressing in words your love for God, then set some goals for that week. If you have difficulty spending lots of time with God, set some "date nights" to spend time with the Lord.
Teaching on Addictions... If there is an area you know that your flesh is winning over your spirit, then what can you place in your life to help diminish the craving? Discuss with other people that have overcome addictions to help you out. Overcoming addictions is so very much about practical steps to keep you out of that situation.
Take the opportunity to never let a message slip away because a practical point wasn't given. Instead, make your own practical point.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Missional Mondays

Many times when people picture a "missionary", a person in the depths of an African Jungle preaching to a group of Natives comes to mind. However, missions is much greater than just this picture word. Paul was considered one of the first missionaries because he traveled from place to place, culture to culture preaching the Good news.
The United States has been a hotbed for sending missionaries to foreign countries. We have the resources, the desire, and the ability. I believe we should continue to send missionaries, but thankfully many other countries are sending out missionaries including the ones that directly benefited from major missionary efforts in the past. Unfortunately, many Americans when hearing the term missions only thinks of foreign lands. There are many mission fields at home that we can participate in a major way. In many cases, foreign missions affords me the opportunity to give financially and pray. Home missions, affords me the opportunity to get right in there in the midst of the battle.
Even greater than that, is that I don't necessarily have to volunteer with local mission organizations either. (Although I highly recommend that you do). God has placed each of us in our own little corner of the world. For example in my life... I consistently run, bicyle, and walk through my neighborhood in Southport. I go to the YMCA frequently. I spend time at the church building which brings all sorts of people to me. I occassionally work part time at a tent company. All of these places give me the opportunity to be a missionary to the people around me.
A missionary is expected to learn and love the people that he/she is to reach. So, we must take the opportunity to learn more about the people around us so that we can better reach them with the Good News. Don't just think missions work is for those overseas, rather understand that you were called to be a missionary right where you are at now.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Theological Thursdays

Theology is the study of God. God has been revealed to us fully through Jesus Christ. As a Christian deepens in relationship with Jesus, naturally one's theology will shift. This is a good thing. Within the pages of Scripture, we see a phenomenon of progressive revelation take place. What this means is that little by little God reveals more of Himself. For instance, we see a limited view of God in Genesis, but that view is much more developed in Acts.
Quick note must be made however, as God reveals himself more and more to us, it will not violate previous revelations. For instance, Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, He did not get rid of it. He was the fuller revelation. It's important to understand this point, because other religious groups like the Mormons consistently violate previous, supposed revelations for new ones. We do not do that! Truth is truth, it cannot be thrown out for a "new" truth.
Why do I say all this today? We need to be on the lookout for God in our everyday life so that we can appreciate a much fuller picture of Him. A very practical way of seeing this is in the positive relationships we have with others. I have experienced being a son who has a mother and father. I have experienced being a student to a teacher. I have experienced being a teacher to a student. I have experienced having a best friend. I have experienced having a wife. All of these relationships reveal something about God to me. We have the opportunity to see God as a Father, a Nurturer, a Teacher, a Friend. However, I am not a father, so that area of relationship has not been revealed to me yet.
Choose this day to seek a more full revelation of God. And everything you see about God should be evident in Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Worship Wednesdays

What works for you during a musical worship service? We have already established that worship is so much more than just the music portion of a church service. However, practically every congregation takes a few minutes to sing and expects people to worship during this time. I always had difficulty "pressing into worship" like the pastor was pushing us to do. Thoughts went through my mind: Press into what? What should I think about right now? Am I not worshipping right if I am not extremely emotional. I would look around and see some people that looked so spiritual and into it, and I just tended not to be. I honestly just wanted the music to stop so I could get to the sermon.
Then I discovered something, it was my responsiblity to determine the way in which I worshipped best and sieze the moment. I found my worship "release" in violence. Let me explain before we go too far down a rabbit hole. Some people sieze moments of worship with their voices, or with dancing, or with shouting, or with kneeling, or with playing an instrument or with a variety of other things. I needed to hit things. I found my release in beating a drum, or the back of pew, or my legs, or whatever was there. I just found it easier to consentrate on my Lord and savior when I could hit things. That doesn't mean that this is the exclusive way in which I worship during music, but it is the way that keeps me focused on my Savior.
The problem with so many people is that we get distracted from the object of our worship. And maybe some of us get distracted because we haven't found what gets us going. My wife can just sing and sway for such a long time, I cannot, but both of us must learn to focus in. Don't stay inside the box about the way to adore the Lord, rather be willing to step up. Find your unique way of worshipping the Lord.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

TaNaK Tuesdays

I would encourage you to find a passage of Scripture in the Old Testament that you are not very familiar with. Maybe one of the Minor Prophets or something. It is always fun to read something that you are not really familiar with. Go ahead, right now, go to the index in your Bible and scan down and look to a book you have no idea about. Maybe stick with a shorter book. Find one that catches your eye and then read it! Try to find out some background on it. Perhaps you have some study helps in your Bible or you can look online. Read over the book and then determine the answers to these two broad questions: What does this book tell me about God? What does this book tell me about God's people?
I eagerly await your responses on what you discovered.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Money Mondays

"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
This Scripture found in the Sermon on the Mount should speak volumes to us right now. Every newspaper, news show, and media outlet is attempting to guess what will happen in the economic future. My advice to you, is not to worry a thing about it. Control what you can today. Do you have a job? Do it your very best this day. Have you lost your job? Keep looking, today may be the day you find it. Whatever happens, God has your back when you seek His Kingdom first.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Fun Fridays


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Worship Song of the week!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Theological Thursdays

1 Peter 4:15-19 "But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, a criminal, or even as a mischief maker. Yet if any of you suffers as a Christian, do not consider it a disgrace, but glorify God because you bear this name. For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God; if it begins with us, what will be the end for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And 'If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinners?' Therefore, let those suffering in accordance with God's will entrust themselves to a faithful Creator, while continuing to do good."

I'll never forget the first time I read this passage of Scripture and it stuck with me. It was about 3 am in the morning and I awoke with cramps. I knew immediately that the cramps were coming from the mixture of grease and sugar that I had stuffed my face with several hours before. I got up from my dormitory bed and headed to the restroom. I took my Bible with me, because I knew it would be awhile cleansing myself of my own gluttony. I opened up to 1 Peter and simply began to read it. I must admit, I was half asleep and wasn't paying much attention until I got to this section. Wow! I didn't even know how to feel about it. After my restroom escapade ended, I went back to bed but laid awake thinking about these phrases.
Phrases like: "...hard for the righteous to be saved"
And: "do not consider suffering a disgrace"
And: "continue to do good while you suffer"

I personally believe that after several years of devotion to the Lord, everything becomes pretty simple to understand and comprehend, except for this idea of the believer's suffering. I was around many people, who stated that God caused no one to suffer, but it was all the devil's doing. Unfortunately, this rabbit trail takes us to God not being in control because the devil has so much power. I respect the argument because it tries to protect the goodness of God. Why can't God allow suffering with his children and be good? Now, I'm not getting into suffering in general, I am only pinpointing the believer's suffering. If we, as believers, do not suffer then we miss out on one of the most phenomenal experiences and blessings that we could have. This is not to make light of suffering. I believe Jesus Christ very much suffered and did not enjoy the beatings and crucifixion while it happened, but he showed us the height of his love for us. In other words, Christ suffered for us and now we have the opportunity to suffer for Him. It is a beautiful picture that is sometimes difficult to look at, but causes our souls to groan in ways that transcend any type of church doctrine.
When I have stood up for the Truth and defended my God and did everything right, but still suffer it is hard. But, there is this deep peace and joy that comes only from God's Spirit that whispers to me in deep, intimate tones... "I love you. I am here with you. You are my son. Be at peace." I would not trade those words whispered by the Holy Spirit for anything. Pain and suffering come and go, but it's not every day the finger of God wipes the tears from my eyes and holds me, rocking me back and forth. This is an intimacy that I could never explain in words. I pray that you will have those intimate moments in your walk as well.


Worship Wednesdays

"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" -1 Corinthians 3:16
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." -1 Corinthians 6:19-20

So, I'm guessing we should take care of God's Temple, that Temple being us, those of us who have a relationship with Him. In the Old Testament, there were so many rules, regulations, a procedures for the proper way to treat the temple. Any violation of the Temple rules was huge. Let's get a visual... Would you feel comfortable urinating on the door of the church? Would you walk onto the carpet with very muddy shoes? Would you put your gum under the pew in front of you? And yet, the place where we meet to worship is only a building. Rather, YOU are the Church! YOU are the Temple! So, what are you doing with that Temple.

We can overeat, undereat, smoke, drink too much, tan too much, take drugs, eat foods that the doctor says we cannot, refuse to take a bath, engage in sinful sexual activity, curse, etc. You obviously get the point. These are little things people have been pointing out as sinful activities for a while, however there are many other ways that we dishonor the Temple. Next time the temptation comes to dirty up your body, just remember that the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TaNaK Tuesdays

Sometimes the Old Testament can appear very intimidating. In fact, I've met many Christians who don't even go to the O.T., because the N.T. is sufficient. However, we should not do this, since "all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Now, at the time which this was written, the New Testament had not been canonized (recognized officially by the church as Scripture), so the author is describing the Old Testament in the immediate context. Thus, we can use the O.T. for gaining incredible insight into who God is and what He does. Below, I've listed a guideline of practical help. Please feel free to list more areas of the O.T. that have helped you tremendously. I have made broad generalizations below, but there are many, many detailed stories that have their own helps.
Genesis- Understanding God as creator and man's fallen state.
Exodus- Viewing God as a Savior who works miraculously.
Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy- Understanding the beauty of the Law.
Joshua, Judges- Seeing the failure of humankind to sustain a level or righteousness.
Ruth- A story of love, dedication, and sacrifice.
1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings- God's interaction with wicked kings, righteous kings, and dedicated prophets. So much is in here!
1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah- The importance of the Temple.
Esther- Learning to seize the divine moments to fulfill God's plan.
Job- Understanding why we serve God.
Psalms- Seeing the raw emotion of people crying out to God in love, joy, anger...
Proverbs- Wise teachings about how to live the "good life"
Ecclesiastes- Seeing the futile nature of life without God at the center.
Song of Songs- An expression of love between two lovers
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel- Prophecies about God's people.
Daniel- God moving in the midst of an exile.
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah- Prophecies concerning Israel's need to reflect godliness.
Jonah- The saving of Gentiles, by an unwilling Jewish prophet.
Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi- Prophecies concerning Israel's need to reflect godliness.

Every one of these books and its contents, has a connectedness to the New Testament. Cherish the WHOLE Bible, and enjoy ALL of its contents.
1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Money Mondays

"My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:19.
Paul makes this statement right after he informs the Philippian church to not worry about giving, because God will take care of them. Boy, we need to get a hold of this! We should never be afraid to give, specifically to give for the sake of the Gospel. Give, give, give! Not because you have to as some sort of debt to repay God, but rather to see the work of the Gospel go forth. Oh yeah, and giving leads to God blessing. He may bless through more financial needs or, the sheer enjoyment of watching people receive will really bless you.
So, in the midst of these supposed economic woes, remember this day not to cut back on giving to the Lord and his people.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun Friday Song!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Theological Thursdays

Today, at this moment, is the only day that you can do anything about. Previous days have gone and there is no way you can change mistakes. The future is somewhat dependent on what you do today.
Hebrews 3:13-15 states, "But encourge one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first. As has just been said: 'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion."'
Each day sin is ready to ensnare us. Thus, we should seek to encourage others so that they won't fall into that and guard against falling victim to its deceit ourselves. We can do this if we are firmly rooted in Jesus Christ. If God speaks to you this day, don't you dare neglect it thinking you will do it some other time. You must do it today, otherwise your heart will grow hard. When the heart grows hard it becomes much more difficult to hear His voice.
Consider this the theology of today. What are you doing today for the kingdom?


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Worship Wednesdays

Most worship that we do is filtered through our minds. We may be performing an act, but our mind must remain focused on the object of the worship in the first place. God specifically calls us to worship from a logical standpoint. Romans 12:1-2 says, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your LOGICAL worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may discern what is the will of God- what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Traditionally, the term “spiritual” is used in place of “logical.” Notice that the second portion focuses on the renewing of our minds. According to my sources, “logical” is a better term to reflect the word usage in this passage. So, how do we worship God logically? We work at transforming our mind to thinking like Christ would think. We must not forsake the acts of worship, but the act is only important based on where the mind is during the act.
I sat through a Catholic Mass once. The priest really said some amazing things. The Biblical texts used were outstanding and his interpretation of the text was pretty good too. I didn’t necessarily feel a move of the Spirit in the place, but I left with my mind filled with the things of Christ. Talking to a few of the relatives after the service, not a single person could give me any kind of insight into the worship service that took place. They basically went to just say they went. I went with the intent of renewing my mind. They were Catholic, I am not. Who do you think worshipped God in a more acceptable way during that service?
All I’m saying is pay attention to what your mind does during those times of worship. Do you let it wander all over the place, thinking that just performing the act is good enough? Let’s be better than that. Let’s have the mind of Christ.