Monday, May 4, 2009


I have been to 3 different funeral-related services in the last 4 days. The first was a viewing. The second was a memorial service. The third was a graveside service. It was abundantly clear to me at each service that the man who passed was very much impactful for the Kingdom of God. He truly was a saint who took God's commission seriously. It is as if he lived life on purpose and fulfilled his purpose.
Invariably, these thoughts begin to reflect on my own life. Am I impacting people with the Kingdom of God effectively and on purpose? Or is my life filled with self-gratifying moments that only impact my level of comfort? Perhaps, those of us who have not been putting in the effort, should think about the way we are mourned at our funerals. Not a single person questioned where this man ended up in eternity. Again and again people said the same thing about the character and giftings he possessed. The tears that were shed were simply because he will be so very missed, but there is almost an awe of all that he accomplished in mild-mannered way. Live to love God and his creation, if there is too much self-loving then it's time to make some changes.