Sunday, November 22, 2009


I am smack dab in the middle of waiting for my daughter to be born. My wife is at full term, she has some contractions here and there, and she is rather uncomfortable. The due date is a mere 12 days away, but the doctor has said we can go at any moment. So, here we are waiting. Kind of in limbo; Kind of not sure what to do. And so we wait... And we wait some more.
Doctors still don't know what really causes a mother to go into labor. There assessment is that nature will chose when the baby comes. My assessment is that God has a divine moment set aside for the birth of His creation. We dare not mess with God's sovereignty, so we wait and wait some more. I wonder how many of us get way to impatient waiting on God to unfold things the way He wants. Good things happen to those who remain patient.
My advice to you today is wait patiently on the Lord. Don't rush it, otherwise you'll mess it up. Rather, understand that God's timing is perfect! We have a tendency not to be perfect, so how about we just stay out of the way?