Thursday, March 25, 2010


Appreciation is one of those very simple things that we desire. Appreciation lets us know that we are doing something that matters enough for others to notice us. If you ask the majority of people if they truly feel appreciated, the answer is usually "no". Spouses feel unappreciated by their partners. Children can feel unappreciated by their parents. Parents can feel unappreciated by their children. Workers can feel unappreciated by co-workers and bosses. Pastors can feel unappreciated by people in the congregation. Members of the congregation can feel unappreciated by the pastor. So here is my advice to you if you don't feel appreciated...

Appreciate others. If you are waiting for some magical thing to happen where you suddenly are adequately appreciated, you are going to be in for a loss. Have you ever seen most people when the are appropriately appreciated? This flood of emotions comes out of them because the reality is they didn't feel appreciated for an amazing amount of time. I nearly broke down an cried when someone genuinely called me "an awesome pastor". I realized something, instead of waiting for others to appreciate me, how about I just spend lots of time appreciating others! We sit back and feel sorry for ourselves instead of stepping up and genuinely appreciating what others are doing. You might make their year!

Oh, and don't forget to accurately appreciate your Lord and Savior the way he deserves!