Thursday, July 23, 2009

Set Apart

The term "sanctification" at its most basic of level means to set apart. This time last week I was set apart at a youth camp in Southern Indiana. I had no radio to listen to, no television, no computer, no people around me who make inappropriate comments or curse, no temptation to spend too much money because I had no money with me, no temptation to be lazy because things simply needed to get done, no lack of God-inspired instruction, no lack of fun, and no major obligations that caused stress. Oh my, was it good to be set apart! However, I am home again and all those things that set me apart for a week are back.
So here is my challenge today for me and for you. Become simpler! Get rid of the television, shut off the computer, avoid those conversations which bring you down, bring your focus onto Christ and be filled with his Spirit rather than on the things of this world. I am not advocating you become Amish or anything, but maybe we have such a tough time breaking through to God because so many other things are influencing us because we have allowed it. Get away from the monotony of daily life and get excited about Kingdom living!


Anonymous,  July 23, 2009 at 7:05 AM  

Is this what we will be refering to as "the Jaman Fast"?
Fasting TV, gaming, internet, etc.
~~ Mary