Monday, June 1, 2009

The Joy of a Baby

As my wife and I prepare for the arrival of our first child, there are great expectations in the air. We are trying to anticipate things while also not getting locked into a box on the way things should be. We are working to prepare the baby's room and have begun contemplating parenting strategies. Our thoughts consistently go towards the baby and we have several dates on our planners that are signficant milestones. There is a joy at the journey in front of us. Yes, lots of responsiblities loom, but responsiblities that bring much joy. The funny thing is that I don't even know my son/daughter yet. I've seen a fuzzy, alien-like picture. I haven't even heard a heartbeat yet. My wife is barely even showing that something is living in her. Yet, the joy, excitement, and anticipation is still ever present.
Oh how I wish we were this way with the Lord. People often look at the responsbilities accompanied with faith as a burden, when in fact there is immense joy in the responbility of it all. There should be an excitement at the memories we share with God and the excitement on what could happen today. How many young parents get so very excited when the baby takes the first steps, says the first word, says the first sentence, sleeps through the night, gets potty-trained, says something fantastic, etc. Don't we know that God desires to share at least one moment with us each and every day. Don't miss it. Instead of dreading things, like all the diapers that will be changed, all the sleepless nights, all the headaches of a crying baby, and the such, why don't we embrace it? Same goes for the things of God. Embrace your moments each day and keep building that relationship with the Lord.